Monday, April 2, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, when I started this blog, I sure didn't expect the school semester to be this hard. The Murphy Centre may be a great place, but out of necessity it's curriculum moves at blinding speed. Unfortunately from the start of this year onwards I've found myself with very little energy for creative projects in general - what I do have seems to be going towards roleplaying rather than writing, unfortunately. With any luck over the coming Easter break I'll have plenty of time to recuperate, sleep in and spend the day exercising mind and body. On the plus side, my priorities seem to be in order, given I'm getting high marks. I just hope I can pass the two 12th grade courses I'm in when it comes time for the final, as my mark there determines whether I can eventually get into university.

Beyond that, though, I've found myself cutting ties with old friends who I'm no longer finding it satisfying to be around and reinforcing the ties with those that I do, a lesson I think I should have listened to when it was being beaten into me by events over the summer of last year. I won't mention specifics or name names, nor will I passively-aggressively call people out on a blog that none of them read anyway. Suffice it to say I'm taking a look at my relationships and deciding who to spend energy on, as I have precious little of it to spare.

Since there's little of note I have to post right now (I may post some of the essays I've come up for World History class later, as I'm quite proud of them) I think I'll take an hour or two this night to write down some of my thoughts about characterization in storytelling and give some examples of characters who have worked out well for me in both roleplay and in freewriting. I hope to share some of my own experiences in the next post to give up and coming storytellers and RPers and tabletop gamers some helpful info. Details to follow in the next post, as I believe firmly in keeping titles relevant!

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